PHP heredoc syntax
Heredoc is a robust way to create a string in PHP with more lines but without using quotations. Heredoc is rarely used as the day by day usage is more complicated as creating strings with quotes or double-quotes. Besides this, not properly used heredoc can lead to problems in your code.
However, if you want to use it you can do it in the following way:
$str = <<<DEMO
This is a
demo message
with heredoc.
echo $str;
As you see the heredoc starts with the <<<
operator and an identifier. After it, you can type your text in more lines as if it were a double-quoted string. It means that you can use variables inside the heredoc. If you are ready with your text you only need to write the identifier again in a new line as follows:
$name = "Max";
$str = <<<DEMO
Hello $name! <br/>
This is a
demo message
with heredoc.
echo $str;
Don't forget that it is not allowed to indent the closing tag if you do so you will get a parsing error.